Logo on Front of T-Shirts, Print, Website, Social, TV, Press, Promos in Race Packet
Company Rep is Invited to Officiate Race
Pink Vender Booth, Logo at Finish Line
Twenty (20) Race Registrations, T-Shirts
Logo on Sleeve of T-Shirts, Print, Website, Social, TV, Press, Promos in Race Packet
Pink Vendor Booth, Logo at Water Stations
Fifteen (15) Race Registrations, T-Shirts
Logo on T-Shirts, Print, Website, Social, TV,
Press, Promos in Race Packet
Pink Vendor Booth, Logo at Water Station
Ten (10) Race Registrations, T-Shirts
Logo on T-Shirts, Print, Website, Social, TV,
Press, Promos in Race Packet
Pink Vendor Booth, Logo at Mile Markers
Eight (8) Race Registrations, T-Shirts
Logo on T-Shirts, Print, Website, Social, TV
Pink Vendor Booth, Logo on Racecourse
Five (5) Race Registrations, T-Shirts
Pink Vendor Booth
Five (5) Race Registrations, T-Shirts
Pink Vendor Booth
Three (3) Race Registrations, T-Shirts